Our little pumkin is quite a good baby (I think anyway). She eats every 2-3 hours during the day and sometimes gives us a 4 or 5 hour stretch at night. During the night, morning and into late afternoon she goes down for naps and sleeps like a champ. He more alert time is evenings and she's a little fussy but usually easily consolable....except for last night.
I think it was gas...or she was overtired because she didn't nap well in the early evening...but I'm pretty sure it was gas. Anyhoo, she fed and cried (intermitantly, not nonstop). You burped her and she cried. You changed her and she cried. She looked hungry so we tried feeding again and she looked like she wanted to eat but kept coming off and crying. Finally after a while, holding her in our arms tummy down and walking around with her calmed her down (which is why I think it was gas) and by 11 o'clock she fed like a champ, slept like a champ and is back to normal today.
That one little night got me seriously thinking. I just don't know how single parents do it alone. J and I emotionally support one another, we talk and bounce ideas off of one another and we take turns trying to soothe our little babe. It's just so nice to have someone there who can take a turn when you are exhausted and frustrated or sad because you can't figure out what's wrong. (And by the way it was daddy's arms that Ella finally fell asleep in) I just have so much respect for single parents that I can't even put it into words! They don't have that other person to share the responsibility. They have no choice. They do what it takes. They have to somehow, somewhere find the strength and patience to do it on their own, no matter what it takes or how long it takes.
So here's a shout out to all the single parents and to my most beloved single parent...my mom. Who somehow found the strength and stamina and patience and ability to raise up two little girls all on her own after she was suddenly left a widow. That is an accomplishment that no other accomplishment could top. I simply don't know how you did it. You are amazing and strong....far stronger than you ever give yourself credit for...and wonderful! Love you more than you know xoxo!
So touching and so true!!
I'm all veclempft! You are too kind. I often fret about how I should have done this or that to be a better mother, but it's all water under the bridge now. I'm so glad you girls had a good start in life with a wonderful dad. That went a long way towards you turning out so great! And Praises to God for watching over us, keeping us together, and carrying me when I couldn't do it on my own.
And by the way, you and Jason are great parents, too!
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