With no clouds, wind or rain in the forcast I felt the freedom to venture Ella even further away from the hotel today! We walked miles along what they call the boardwalk (the two lane sidewalk that lines the beaches). I cannot tell you how many people you see running out here. It's awesome. And everyone is riding the cruisin' bicycles too.

We visited a new playground and then we went over to the real beach...the big beach. The one that stretches on for miles and welcomes the crashing waves of the Pacific. The one that has Volley Ball court after Volley Ball court and surfers galore. It was GORGEOUS!!! Ella
(who was deathly afraid of waves last summer at the ocean in Maine) LOVED the waves and water. She ran into them, splashed in them, ran away from them, even getting TOO brave and not wanting to hold my hand, not understanding that a big one could come and sweep her off her feet any minute. We watched the surfers, made sandcastles and she occupied herself forever, just digging through the sand with her hands and smearing over every surface of her body!

I saw the NEATEST thing I've ever seen. I saw a school of dolphins swimming parallel to the coast just beyond where the waves were breaking. THEN, three dolphins hitched a ride in toward the coast on an incoming wave. Crisp, clear and close, I could see three dolphins head on, side by side swimming INSIDE the wave, swimming and riding it in toward the beach. When the wave began to end they all gave a leap and swam off down the coast to catch up with their friends. It was awe inspiring. I can't even describe it. One of those things you'd have loved to have captured on film, but it's just as great to have it tucked away in a special part of your memory!
(Jason asked around and it doesn't seem like this is an ordinary thing to see. I think God gave me a real gem!)
We stayed at the beach longer than I'd planned because Ella and I were both having such a blast. And when we finally had to go Ella had a full on, belly down, appendages flailing tantrum because she didn't want to leave
(and this momma clearly let her get to the overtired stage!). It was rockin'. I just had to laugh. Then I told her she could walk or I'd carry her and up she hopped and away she went. Done. Love it. We got ourselves an overpriced but delish smoothie for our walk home and Ella devoured much of it. I could do this all day, every day!
What an awesome day! Sounds like so much fun. Grandma and I loved reading about your adventures!
Oh, I'm jealous! I can't wait for summer to be able to take the wild man to the beach for fun in the sun! I'm SO glad you are having a blast and Ella is doing so great - I look forward to your next update :)
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