Jun 2, 2008

Unexpected Suprise!

Today I had my second check-up with my midwife. This was the day we got to hear the heartbeat. She kept moving the little thing around and around and alas could not find the heartbeat. She assured us that they are hard to find and hear and told us that she would do a sonogram to find it. Jason and I were both a little freaked but I was psyched that we would get to see our little one again as you do not normally get another ultrasound until 20 weeks! The results were AMAZING! See for yourself!

In 4 weeks our baby tripled in size and is now 7.34 centimeters. It no longer looks like a little blobette but now completely looks like a baby! We saw it move all over the place. It picked it's back up off of the wall of my uterus, move it's head up and down and moved its arms and legs around. We could see the brain and the spine and the bones in it's little limbs. It's arms and hands and fingers and legs and feet and toes are all really well defined. And it's profile is the cutest thing I have EVER seen! She got a really good picture of the profile. Unfortunately the scanned version does not do justice to the clarity of the actual picture.

(We also saw and heard the heartbeat. It was beating at about 150 bpm, perfectly normal!)

I mean seriously, here's the before and after. 9wks 4day and 13wks 4days from 2.84 cm to 7.34cm:

You cannot tell me that there is not a God that designed orchestrates this miraculous and unbelievable complex process of the creation of new life! Our baby is just under 3 inches from crown to rump and about the size of a small pear! Yet all of it's body, limbs and major organs are already formed! It has eyes and ears, nose and mouth, brain, limbs, digits, bones and it has the adorable profile of a newborn! I am in awe...absolute awe! And I am in love already! Jason will most likely not admit this to you in person but on the ride home as we sat in silence just processing it all he sheepishly said, "You know, I ALMOST teared up in there." I think he's smitten as well :)


Esther said...

What a great surprise! I think we were all (you, me, and Shan) at Debbie's yesterday! We were able to hear the heartbeat, so I didn't get an extra ultrasound. Although our next one is in 2 weeks and we get to find out whether it's a he or she!

BTW, Scott did tear up when we had ours. : )

Anonymous said...

Sarah! So glad you're feeling better. It is such a thrill to cross over into trimester #2, as much I try to appreciate every moment. The picture is amazing. I was remembering last night that the same thing happened to us with Natalie. That's why we got two pics with her and not with this one. Very common for their little hearts to be elusive with so much wiggle room in there, but Peter was a bit freaked. :) And yes, Jason is not alone in being a "rock" cracked by fatherhood. :)
Love you!

Cheryl said...

Beautiful baby picture! So glad you got to hear the heartbeat and see the baby again.

And yeah, I bet he "almost" teared up... just like at your wedding. :-) Gotta love that guy! He's going to be a great dad.