Aug 30, 2010

Running Update

A while back I posted that I had started runnin...working towards a 5k at the end of October.

Well, I'm specifically following the couch to 5k program. You work out 3x a week for 30min. It starts off with super easy walk/run intervals and slowly extends the running intervals while cutting back the walking intervals and has you running 30 minutes solid at the end of 8 weeks.

I gotta admit, my first few times hitting the pavement I had ABSOLUTELY no idea how I would ever run that whole length of time straight through. Actually, even the first few weeks into it I didn't have a whole lotta faith. But I made a committment and I just kept putting one foot in front of the other.

I started out able to go about 2 miles in 30 minutes. A few weeks into it I was up to 2.5. And it's just kept creeping up and up until.... Saturday I had my first extended length run. 5minute walk. 20 minute run. 5 minute walk. I was at family camp and the only road out reminds me of the appalachian mountain range. I was thinking of ways to feign injury or death and get out of it. But instead. I sucked it up and did it. Not only was I able to run the whole time. But I kept a good pace over all those hills, still had a little kick at the end and covered a distance of 3 miles!!! That's only 0.2mi away from my 5k distance!

I'm so psyched! Not only do I fully believe that I'll be able to run the whole 5k but with the time I have left to train I think I'll actually be able to be competative in the race istead of just aiming to finish without dying!!!

I really think most people can do the couch 2 5k plan. CHECK IT OUT HERE!


Amy said...

Mmmmm hmmmmm. That's right.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Sarah - that is awesome! I had started the C25K (ipod version) earlier in the summer, but only made it to week three. I actually started again tonight. Your post gives me a little more motivation to keep going!

Cheryl said...

That's wonderful! I'm so proud of you. Maybe I'll figure out how to get the couch to 5K thing on my ipod and get started moving again. Step one... get off the couch! Love you!