Sep 8, 2011


Aunt Karen and Grandma Fraunhofer's last trip to Maine in the fall of 2009

Aunt Karen
The journey will be long, but I'm praising God that there will be a journey. There's been a lot going on with my Aunt Karen. She's been taken off sedation. She responds to her family by opening her eyes, squeezing her hand, blinking and just recently a few smiles have appeared! She still doesn't move the left side of her body, so pray that that will come. She hasn't spoken yet, so pray for that. They continue to give her time off of the respirator and she breathed for three hours on her own yesterday! Praise God. Her fever is down a bit, as are her WBC. Her blood pressure is looking good and her lungs are looking a little better. Please pray for all of these things to continue in the right direction and please pray for this long road ahead!

Baby Jude
After my last post about all the positives Baby Jude had experienced, the rollercoaster took a steep turn. HE NEEDS YOUR PRAYERS. They cannot seem to stop the seeping from his incision. This is rare. PRAY THAT THE SEEPING STOPS as he cannot go onto any other surgery until this resolves. His body is not getting rid of fluid and he is swelling a lot. He has gained 4 pounds in 4 days. PRAY THAT THE SWELLING GOES DOWN, and that his body can properly rid itself of fluids. PRAY FOR HIS PARENTS AND THIS ROAD THEY'RE ON.

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