This time of year more than any other has me focusing on all the things I am grateful for. Although life is not without stresses and struggles at times, the stresses and struggles I deal with PALE in comparison to 99% of the world. My heart is content....no full....no bursting with gratitude for all that I am blessed with. It leaves me humbled thinking, why me? Why was I born into my family, in this country, with this health, with all the opportunities I've been afforded all my life? Why have I been so blessed with this husband, this daughter, this church, these friends, this home? I won't sit here and ponderm that too long. I'll just thank God for it, and do all that I can do to use what I've been given to help others.
My heart is so thankful. And we are being intentional in cultivating a thankful heart in our little love. When I asked Ella what she wants to thank God for this is what she said:
Gamma's house
dis food
a mountin
happy birfday you
I have no words for what that does to my heart. No words! What are you thankful for!?
1 comment:
That's beautiful! She is growing and changing and learning so much, and developing such a sweet spirit.
I am thankful for my family! Also for God's love, forgiveness, and grace; food and shelter; the freedom to worship God; and so many more things, many that we take for granted every day: hot and cold running water, electricity, heat, a car that gets me where I need to go, my dogs who keep me company, I could go on and on! We are so blessed!
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