The adventures of one former missionary couple journeying along on their life after staff. For all of our family, friends and supporters, we hope this will help you stay connected. Additionally for all our staff friends, it's a rare glimpse into life on the other side :)
Nov 29, 2010
Nov 23, 2010
A Thankful Heart

Nov 22, 2010
How Are You Keeping Christ In Christmas?

If you want ONE great way to keep Christ at the center of your Christmas I suggest ADVENT.
Advent means "coming". For the entire month leading up to Christmas you prepare for the celebration of Christ's birth, His first coming. There is a spirit of anticipation, excitement and longing.
Here is what we plan to do to make it toddler friendly: Each night we're going to light the appropriate candle, read a small snippet out of this family advent book my mom got us, and open one window on the advent calendar.
(PS: Thanks to some routine we've put in place after reading Toddlerwise and having our family doctor encourage us to do family devotions, we now have have a two year old that says "Voshon Time!" with joy after each meal, prays and generally listents quite well while we do the daily bread each night)
Here are some other things we plan to do to keep Christ at the center of our Christmas:
- Sheild ourselves from commercialism by keeping the TV off and recycling store flyers and catalogues as soon as they come.
- Continually talk about the true meaning of Christmas...for Christmas is Jesus' Birthday and make Him a birthday cake!
- Put out all of our manger scenes but keep the baby Jesus' out of them. On Christmas morning make a big deal over "Baby Jesus was born today!!!" and go put all the baby Jesus' into their manger scenes to symbolize this.
So PLEASE comment and tell me the ways your family keeps Christ in Christmas!
Nov 20, 2010
All of that, and I'd only run once in the last month! I feel pretty darn good 'bout that!
You see the Oct. 30th race that I was diligently training for was canceled!!! I found out like 3 days before the race. I was quite disappointed and promptly sat my bum on my couch and ate cookies...Then I got sick...then I got better...then I contemplated finding another race...then I ate some more cookies while watching America's Next Top Model...then I found a race and signed up for it....then I got sick...then I got better....then I ran once...then I went to the race this morning.
Here's my super expert race report:
-I was really stinkin' nervous. I peed aproximately 100,000 times in the 1/2 hour before the race.
-It was a low key race. The gun went off and so did I.
-I started at what felt like my normal pace. I passed some people. I liked that.
-At probably the 1/2 mile mark I thought, "Whoah Nelly, simmer down. I don't think you can keep this up for another 2 1/2 miles."
-One woman I had passed, then passed me. I didn't like that.
-I saw a deer run through the woods. It was pretty.
-There were no mile markers. I had never seen the course before. I had no idea how far I'd gone and I was kind of hurtin'.
-I decided to try to keep pace with the woman ahead of me in a turqoise shirt. That was helpful.
-I got to a point where I was pretty sure I had not long to go and thought. "Oh wow, it's almost over. That was fast. I'll pick it up a little."
-Right at the finish line my hubby and little lady were cheering me on. That was the best!
-I finished in 33:18 and felt totally great and thought, "I probably could have run faster. Yay me!"
-Then Ella ran into my arms. That was THE best.
-Then she ran in circles and said, "I runnin'! Mama do it too!" And then I ran in circles with Ella. That was THE best best!
I'd like to also give the hugest shout out to my friend Krissy who ran today as well and accomplished her goal! We started this together and we saw it through to the end! I think I was more excited when I saw her cresting over the last hill than I was when I saw the finish line myself! There was hugging. There were tears. It was fabulous. I'm hooked! So which race are we running next Krissy!?
Nov 18, 2010
Man Shopping
No, I'm not talking about shopping for a man.
For this post Grocery shopping shall be defined as: When I go grocery shopping.
And Man Shopping shall be defined as: When Jason goes shopping...for anything...that I've asked him to get.
Ladies, you know what I'm talking about don't you?

Seriously. There's GOT to be some force field around every store that sells groceries, or some weird 3rd dimension that only men fall into when they cross the threshhold through those automatic sliding doors. That's the only explanation I can think of for my husband's inability to read, obtain and come home with the items I put down on a list. The man is an engineer. He's responsible for writing the instructions on how to fix our Navy's Submarines....ya know, those silly old contraptions that take thousands of our armed forces gazillions of feet under the ocean waters to keep our nation safe. And yet...when the man goes grocery shopping.....
Tuesday, bless his heart, Jason volunteered to shop while I went and got an (8 month overdue) haircut. I gave him a list. It had details. For heaven's sake it had details! The flippin' list took me just as long to write as it would have taken me to actually go and shop myself. It specified flavors, sizes, name brand or store brand...dang, I even drew pictures of the tough stuff! And still...still THIS's just a small sampling:
-I wrote 1 peach or nectarine
-He came home with 6 tangerines...(of which we already have an entire bag in the fridge.)
-I wrote fruitables - VERY BERRY (because that's the only kind Ella likes)
-He came home with fruitables a kind she won't drink. (he insisted I did not specify until I showed him the list and he was like, "Oh. Yup. There it is. Very Berry. In bold.")
-I wrote ORGANIC whole milk 1/2 gallon (because that's the kind a size Ella and the little girl I babysit drink)
-He came home with one pint regular whole milk (he had not even an veiled defense or explanation to offer on that one)
-I wrote 3 pkgs active dry yeast (I even drew a picture of what the packages look like and wrote "each pkg. has three sections. I need 3 pgks")
-He came home with one package because "it's got three sections! I thought that was three!"
-I wrote Bread Flour (And had an entire conversation about this one before he left because I KNEW he'd come home with regular flour)
-He came home with NOTHING (He insists the grocery store - where I buy my bread flour every month - does NOT carry bread flour)
-I wrote Some Hearty Bread to eat with soups and dinners (woe to me for not giving some more specific instruction or diagram for that one)
-He came home with THREE different kinds because he says he didn' t know what I meant.
And that my friens is the difference between Grocery Shopping and Man Shopping.
Nov 15, 2010
My Worst Nightmare

Nov 10, 2010
Feed Him!

Nov 8, 2010
Please Help. Really. DO SOMETHING!

What if this wasYOUR nephew?

Wouldn't you be SCREAMING for HELP?

Wouldn't you be sacrificing EVERYTHING to make her well?

THIS IS someone's CHILD,
Someone's NIECE or NEPHEW.
- How much money do you spend on going out to eat?
- How much do you spend on coffee?
- How much money do you spend on entertainment?
- How much money do you spend on more clothes, more shoes, more jewelry?
- How much money do you spend on Christmas presents for people that really NEED nothing?
- How much money do you spend on toys for a child that has so many they don't know what to do with them all?
Do you spend more on those things than you do on saving these children's lives? If you do, there is something wrong. I have been just as guilty as the next person of this. However, through a book I have been reading and a series my church has been heart has been broken. My eyes have been opened. And my life is changing as a result.
27,000 children die EVERY DAY
from preventable causes like hunger, lack of clean water and preventable diseases.
Find a cause. Find a reputable organization. Get involved. GIVE!