Nov 17, 2007

Quarterlife Crisis

Don't worry. I'm not going to go buy a red sports car and run out and pierce something...but today's my birthday and it didn't start out like I had planned. I was very excited leading up to it but for some reason I'm in a pensive, life examining, mood. You see, we're in a phase of life right now that has a lot of change and transition and I think that has a lot to do with it. It's got me thinking about who I am, what I like, what I want in life, what my priorities are....etc.
I guess I feel like I've been a sort of jack of all trades, master of none. I'm outdoorsy, I rock climb, I love photography, I scrapbook, I knit, I work out (sometimes), I'd like to still ride horses, I was in ministry, I want to be in social work (but at what job I don't know!). I guess I feel a little ADD with all my stuff. It's like I do all these things but don't really devote a ton of time to any. And for that, I am being quite hard on myself.

I guess I think I SHOULD decidedly pick the certain activities that will help to define who I am. And that, if I'm going to claim to be something (crafter, photographer, rock climber) I SHOULD do those activities on a regular basis and devote a ton of time to them or else I have no right associating myself with them. That's very works based sounding isn't it?

So what is the cut off of apropriate time spent in order to consider one's self a crafter or what not? So what if I like a ton of things? So what if I have very little extra time in my weeks to do those activities and can only fit a few in here and there? And so what if some weeks I'm just so dang tired I want to veg out instead? I can still associate myself with all of my likes/passions! I can logically tell myself this is silly, but I'll still be hard on myslef the second after. Thanks for listening to my ramblings of my quarterlife crisis!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can definitely relate to your crisis. Chin up, birthday girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've been having pretty much the same crisis off and on all semester. Watch HS Musical! haha, even if it doesn't help, I'll bet it'll make you smile. :)

Happy Birthday Sarah! I hope the rest of your day is awesome! :)

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Sarah!

You're well rounded...that's really good!!!!!

Sometimes, when people get really into one thing, they get hung up on it, and it turns all consuming. Be well rounded! It's a good place to find yourself!

Cheryl said...

I remember turning 25 being much more traumatic than turning 30, because after all, 25 is a quarter of a century! But you already made it through your 25th year, so you're doing great. Hope you have survived your funk and are feeling more joy this week. Love you!