Nov 19, 2012

Where DOES Time Go!?

HOW is it MID November ALREADY!?

Every single bit of my Christmas shopping is DONE.  And that's late for me.  But NOW I can sit back and SAVOR the SAVIOR, which is what this season is all about.  I can play my Christmas tune, bake with my little, craft to my hearts content and focus on what Christmas is all about!  Oh how I love it!

I've celebrated another year of life and I feel fabulous.  I have a whole blog post about that in my head but it'll have to wait.

I feel like I'm hitting my stride in this mother of two game...ya know...sorta...for now...until things change...which they always do with littles.  But really, we're doing well, and I'm doing well, and I do plan to share more about this journey...but again it'll have to wait.

And my BABY boy is 4 months old!  He's still a mello jello, lazy little love.  He still hates tummy time, but will oblige me and pick his head up off the mat for a few seconds.  He has found his tosies and loves to grab them.  He grabs at toys with vigor, and while his coordination is still not the best, he manages to get them clumsily to his mouth and hang onto them for a bit.  He gets quite excited when he succeeds and kicks and flails his arms...which makes him lose the toy he was just celebrating obtaining :)  it's cute.  He occasionally will roll onto his side, but not much really.  Unlike Ella, he shoves everything into his mouth, and drools a good bit.  I realize this is normal, but Ella was unusual.  She did not drool much at all and almost never put things in her mouth.  He's a little fussier these days.... probably because he's backslid on the sleeping...not going for as long of stretches.  That is NOT to my liking.  But he's still quite a happy little guy.  And I thank God for this happy, healthy little love and I will choose to be grateful to have him to wake up to in the night and nurse and snuggle.

HE IS the MOST amazingly handsome little man EVER if I do say so myself! Check him out!


Jessica said...

Sarah, He is sooo cute!

Diane said...

He is so adorable!!