Well it's official. My hubby is gone for 5 weeks. They need his awesomeness at a shipyard 3,200 miles away. And my mom has gone to be with her mom 1,000 miles away. You can feel free to send up a prayer for us!
It's just me and the babe.
And some super neighbors watching out for me.
And some fabulous friends that will be my sanity.
To add insult to injury, they usually put people up at some condos. Now I'm sure those condos are lovely...but apparently they're all full up. So my hubby is being put up here:
Beachfront resort. Surrounded by water on three sides. Junior Olympic size pool, 30 person jacuzzi, fitness club, and seal pool on premesis. Granted he's there to do a very challenging job and he'll most likey be working 6 days a week, 50-60 hour weeks. But hey, he still has Sundays and evenings.

And if it weren't for this getting out of debt plan, you better beieve I'd be on the next plane there, swimsuit and towel (and Ella) in tow!
But alas. Here we are. And there he is. And despite all that, I'm feeling strangely empowered today. I fully expect to have to depend heavily on God to get us through this time...not just get us through, but to help us flourish during this time and to help me to continue to be the mom I want to be...short on help or not, and to help keep our marriage close and healthy, 3,200 miles between us or not! It will be a definite time of growth and faith building. Not easy, but good no doubt!
Last year Brian worked in the Bahamas for a couple weeks. We were facing uncertainty with his job at that time (it worked out OK), so we didn't dare spend money for fun! I'll be praying for you.
Debby B.
Tom has been gone for a total of 4 months now (with a vacation in the middle where he came home for Christmas for almost 3 weeks). I have learned so much during our time apart...I've learned that I am much more capable than I ever thought I was...I can now plow the drive, shovel the walkways, clear the roof, fix the furnace, clean the pellet stove, etc. I've discovered that he does A LOT more "chores" than I ever gave him credit for. Most of all, I have reaffirmed that he is the man of my dreams and I never want to be without him! Use this time for growth, and you will be amazed at what you can do :)
I hope the time goes quickly for you Sarah! I am sure it will be tough with hubby away... but you will have our prayers and I am sure many others! Feel free to take a road trip up to Bangor if you need to visit!
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