I weeded all my gardens. Planted some purple aster in the front and some white flowers in the back that I don't know what they are but they smell darn good. I also mulched the front gardens...found out I'm a few bags short but once I finish that off my gardens are set and all I'll have to do is weed and watch them grow.
This front garden is always in the shade so it comes up slow. But my hostas and poppies are finally coming through!
Here's the purple aster I planted. I'm all about the perenials!
Here's the back garden looking good. I planted those little white flowers today.
Here is a close up of the flowers. I thought they were honeysuckle but I think I'm wrong. I just call them that because they smell like honeysuckle...sooooo good! So does anyone know what they are? Are they annual or perrenial? If you know please tell me!