Oct 6, 2012

Prayer Warriors Needed!

Your prayers are SO VERY needed!

Praises for Baby Jack!
He is not in septic shock anymore.
He is off BP medications.
He is still on a ventilator but taking a few breaths on his own from time to time.
With help from heavy meds his is slowly shedding the 6lbs of excess fluid he'd retained.
He was wiggling some, opening his eyes some and his pupils were responsive to light.
There was one instance where he gave a quick "goo" and smile at his mama!

The Latest Updates
Baby Jack is in a coma.
He is not "waking" from sedation as quickly as they would want him to be.
This morning they found that his feeding tube is leaking formula into his abdomen. (This may mean another surgery.)
His EEG showed less brain activity than they had hoped for.

Please Pray
For a full and miraculous healing of this sweet baby boy.
For strength and comfort for his parents who are right now feeling "at the end of themselves".

Other Concrete Ways to Help
Donate Leave to Josh Lewis if you work at the Shipyard. 
Give Blood!
Volunteer at, financially donate to, make a meal or take supplies to your local Ronald McDonald House.

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