Jan 18, 2009

Feeling Productive

It's been a good week. I am (sloOowly) learning to measure productivity by different standards. Meaning that if at the end of the day the laundry is still piled, the bed is still unmade, the dishes are still towering, and the dust bunnies are still flying, but I have managed to take the best care of Ella and spend time with her...I need to see that as productive. It's a slow learning process. Aside from spending sweet moments with my daughter, I've gotten a lot of other things done as well this week. And I have to admit that being productive in that sense of the words still definitely brings me sweet satisfaction!

went to a great moms time on Monday
did numerous loads of laundry.
went grocery shopping and kicked butt budget wise
cooked a turkey dinner
baked two loaves of bread (all bread will now be homemade to save lots o moolah!)
made two meals of baked ziti to freeze
made two meals of chicken enchilladas to freeze
made a giant batch of hearty itallian soup to freeze
made a batch of chocolate chip cookies
organized photos so I can start scrapbooking when my new album arrives
and had friends over Friday night to whip the boys at cards again :)

Oh, and did I mention that at the top of my "to do" list each day was DEVOTIONALS which I actually did first thing. Hmmmm, is it any coincidence that I have had the energy and strength I need for each day? I think NOT! Gotta give credit where credit is due because it's certainly not just me!


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for my friend the new mom! Congratulations on being able to find what it takes to adjust and change your perspectives. I can relate to your definition of "productivity" and so cherish that you're finding parenting productive in and of itself. Yay you!

(Constructive criticism note - though I love the mountain background, it makes your photos translucent, so I see the mountain through lovely Ella's photos. Is there a way to change that?)



Sarah said...

I know! I tried to change that but couldn't. I'm thinking when I get around to it I'll go find a new template somewhere!

Cheryl said...

Way to go, Kiddo! Very impressive. And the quiet times in the Word are the best, aren't they?